Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ryan's 6 Month

Took Ryan to the doctor today for his six month appointment. Here is the stat comparison:

21 pounds 6 oz
26.75 inches

20 pounds 7 oz
28 inches

Not sure if the height descrepancy is accurate.

Michael's earned 6 stickers for his potty chart since Monday, but still peeing in the diaper most times. We'll have to go to Plan B soon.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Blog

Here is my attempt at a new blog. I don't have a lot of confidence in this attempt as I am just not very good at "journaling". My goal right now is to update three times a week. We shall see.

We are attempting potty training round 3 right now with Michael. We are easing into it - there is a potty chart with a "road". If he pees on the potty he can put a sticker on the road. As of now we are letting him initiate it. Started it yesterday and there are two stickers.

Ryan's been eating avocados and still loves to laugh at Michael.