Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ryan Speaking???

Ryan may finally be on his way to speaking.  Last Sunday we were out and he saw a little waterfall and he shouted "wawa".  Also, this week he's been saying "ball" and "hello".  Although if you didn't know him - you wouldn't know what he was saying.  He does say "dada" and "mama" and I think he tries to say "more".  He can make a roaring noise (bear, lion, and tiger), a monkey noise, a cow noise, and he "clacks" his tongue for a duck.  He has tried to repeat more of what we say, today he repeated "stroller" and "star" after me.  I am hopeful that this will continue and he'll be able to use words to communicate by his 2nd birthday instead of pointing and grunting. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Michael's Vocabulary

We went bike riding today and Michael stated he wanted to go on the Wee Hoo trail.  The Wee Hoo trail has some hills on it so when he rides his bike down the hill he can go "weeeee hooooo".  (To get to this trail we have to go through the wreck up town.) 

Tonight, Ian sent him into the kitchen to find out what I was making.  I told Michael "Zucchini Lasagna".  He reported back to Ian "Sincinni Gasagna". 

Ryan's Hair Cut

Ryan lost his curls yesterday.  I was about to run out of the salon in a last ditch effort to keep the curls, but it didn't happen.  Both of us were in tears.