Thursday, November 17, 2011


This evening I was in a conversation at the dinner table and I wasn't even talking or moving my mouth.  This is what I overheard out of Michael's mouth:  "I don't want to eat this last chicken."  "Too bad, you're eating it."  Apparently, I overuse that phrase! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ear, Order, and Here Comes Ryan!

Michael has an ear infection.  Of course, it is in the ear that the tube is no longer in place.  We did so well while the tube was in place.  Hopefully, we won't be cursed with them all winter.  So, more antibiotics for him. 

Here is another Michaelism:  "We can order play downstairs or outside".  Translation:  "We can either play downstairs or outside." 

This evening, Ian and I were meeting with our financial advisor in our dining room.  Michael was in the living room watching Bob the Builder and Ryan was in the living room sitting on the floor playing.  Soon after we left Ryan, we heard grunting which was getting louder and louder.  All the sudden we turned around and realized he was on his way to us in the dining room by army crawling!  We couldn't help but to laugh at him and then he just looked at us like "why are you not picking me up?"  He also managed today to army crawl up the small step from the den to the living room.  I have seen him get up on all fours a few times and rock back and forth.  Michael is not going to be happy when he can crawl for real and get into his stuff. 

Friday, November 11, 2011


Michael went to the dentist yesterday.  He did very well.   Fortunately this time he didn't have any adult tarter, just normal kid build up.  The dentist and hygienist didn't say anything about his overbite this time.  I think they figure it is a lost cause.  I have told Michael I'm going to buy a finger guard so he can no longer suck his finger.  The most exciting part about our visit was that we saw his picture on the wall of kids.  The hygienist told us we could take that picture home as she was going to replace the picture with his new one. 

Ryan is getting stronger, but still army crawling.  Perhaps he'll be crawling for real by Thanksgiving!  HA!  Michael and I were having fun with Ryan yesterday.  Michael was coloring and Ryan has to play with the markers as well.  Of course, Ryan just gets one in each hand and then puts them in his mouth.  Michael and I would stick a third marker in Ryan's mouth and he'd hold onto it with his teeth.  So, we would laugh and then Ryan would laugh because something had to be funny. 

Monday, November 7, 2011


Well, not quite... Ryan can army crawl - sort of.  He doesn't get very far too fast.  It takes a lot of effort to move all his weight.  He still eats puffs, but other finger foods are hit or miss.  He likes to pull himself up on me, but not with anyone or anything else. 

There is way too much Halloween candy in this house.  Michael was Thomas the Train and Ryan was a pumpkin.  We took advantage of every opportunity to wear the costumes.  We had a party at our Mommy and Me class, Michael had a party at day care, we went to the children's museum on Friday night, and of course, they wore them on Halloween.  Unfortunately it did rain that night, so only Ian and Michael went out and Ryan and I stayed home. 

We had our block party this past Saturday.  Fortunately the weather was decent.  Michael put his helmet on and and rode his bike on the street with all the other kids.  He didn't talk to any of them (even the boy who is 8 months younger than him), but followed them all around.  He still needs to work on his social skills.