Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ryan's Vocabulary

Here is Ryan's current list of words.  The word on the left is how Ryan says it.  The word on the right is the translation.

A-yen: Again
Ba: Ball
Awn: On
Sdar: Star
Ish: Fish
Ou: Out
Tutle: Turtle
Melmo: Elmo
We-We: TV
Gocks: Socks
Yello: Hello
Bueble: Bubble
Mo: More
Wa-wa: Water
Dis: This (although this is a guess)
Ights: Lights
Ma-MA (the annunciation on the second MA): mama

He has put two words together, mostly more and then another word.  Today he said "maMA, mo sdar".  (I was drawing stars on his paper).  So, making some progress as we approach his second birthday.