Saturday, July 23, 2011

Froggy and Think

The other morning we woke up to froggy windows (as Michael called them) as it was so hazy, hot, and humid. Today he told Daddy to "think" twice today when Daddy did not or could not provide the correct answer to his questions. We went to the pool the other night to escape some of this heat and this morning Michael and Daddy saw some race cars.

Ryan will roll over to the left now from his tummy, but the preferred way is to the right. He is very good at picking up the ladies when we are out (although, he has a thing for the over 70 crowd). And according to Ryan, Michael is still the funniest person in the house.

Also, if you are keeping score... I'm already not achieving my goal of three posts a week! Oh well.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Malicious Michael

The three year old thinks he has out smart us. He knows that he gets a diaper at night and he has decided to hold his poop until he gets his diaper. It started this weekend when we heard movement from his room in the morning. Then he did it again last night before bed as he stayed up until 9 walking around the room working on getting the poop out (we didn't realize it was happening until after the poop was out). Then he stood at the top of the stairs waiting for someone to change him. He thinks he may have won, but we have some other plans for him!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Third Time is a Charm

Well, it appears that the third attempt at potty training has worked. He has been in underwear since last Saturday. We did have some accidents yesterday, but both were a result of other incidents (one was a bad fall). Otherwise, he has been accident free. Now, we have moved on to a Thomas chart. I made a lot more spots for stickers this time. He also keeps reminding us to give him his white chocolate chip. I guess when the bag runs out we'll have to tell him he's done.

Ryan still only rolls one way. He is addicted to his pacifier. If that's not in his mouth something else is. He was also squawking like a bird this evening and who knows why!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Potty Success

We are going to Chuck E. Cheese tomorrow! Michael has had three days in underwear and has been pretty successful. He had two accidents the first and second day, but was accident free today. He also pooped on the potty. We still have to take him regularly, although a few times he did initiate it. We finished the cars sticker chart and I had to make him a Bob the Builder one. We also have resorted to white chocolate chips as a reward. We pulled out all the stops. We are hopeful that this third attempt at potty training will be our last.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ryan Rolls Over

Ryan can roll over pretty well now from his tummy to back. He's perfected it today. He only goes in one direction. It's to his right. His head takes the lead, then the arm, torso, and finally the legs. It looks like a bit of a struggle.

He seems to be a good eater (no surprise there), so far he has tried and eaten rice and oat cereals, apples, pears, peaches, carrots, and peas. The poops are getting stinkier!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth!

Happy Fourth of July! We spent the weekend in Erie. Saturday, we went to Waldameer Park with some friends from RPI. They have two children, Owen, 7, and Violet, 5. Michael and Violet had a fun time on the rides. It was great as he had a "riding buddy"! On Sunday we saw the new CARS movie and we went to the Zoo. Michael fell asleep after about an hour and 15 minutes of the movie! Yes, he fell asleep in the loud movie theatre. Ryan stayed home with Grandpa - they both survived. We also went down to the lake to watch the boats and fishermen. But Michael was devastated that he couldn't go fishing. Who knew he'd be so upset. We found his missing CARS phone which he hid in Grandma's storage over 8 months ago. Michael has 15 stickers on his potty chart. Plan B will be executed at the end of this week. Ryan's second tooth is coming in and after a day of stranger anxiety, he adjusted to his vacation surroundings.