Monday, August 27, 2012

Accident Prone

Ryan is just accident prone.  Today at day care he was stung by a bee.   Right on his left eyelid.  They were outside and the teachers noticed him rubbing his eye.  Upon closer examination they found a bee on his shirt.  They put ice on it and he didn't seem to be too bothered by it.  His eye was just a little swollen this evening. 

Michael moved to a new room at day care.  He is officially in the four  year old room.  Mr. Matt and Ms. Amy are his teachers.   Upon arrival this morning, Ms. Amy is quoted as saying "There is my Michael.  I have been waiting so long for you to come to my class."  Last week, Ms. Stephanie told me what an angel Michael is.  Ian and I would like for them to visit us at home so they can see the meltdowns he has when he doesn't win, Ryan takes his toys, or a game doesn't go his way.  Guess he is better behaved there then at home. 

Last weekend, we drove down to the South Side to ride bikes.  Michael call the South Side a "wreck up town".  It is a little old, but I like to think it has charm.  He didn't see it that way. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

End of Summer

I have said this once before - I am not good at keeping records of things.  Not only have I not updated this blog in two months, I am. In the process of updating Ryan's baby book which I haven't done since he turned one.

Here is the latest.  Michael can pee standing up without spraying all over the walls.  He seems to be very proud of this - I can only hope this will ensure that he pees more frequently instead of waiting 7 hours to go.  He also stopped sucking his finger.  We assisted the process by using a bitter tasting nail polish and a toy incentive.  But he hasn't sucked it in almost three weeks so we think he is done.  Of course around the same time he has decided to stop napping.  This was inevitable.  I don't think it is related to the ceasing of the sucking as when he was napping he was going to bed really late a night.  So he is trying to find new ways to soothe himself and he is working through new sleep patterns so we all try to run away when he gets angry! His meltdowns right now are a handful!

Ryan probably says a lot more words then we think.  Poor kid probably has a vocabulary of 50 words and we have no clue.  He did say "ish" yesterday when he was eating goldfish.  My neighbor thought she heard him say "ink" when he wanted his drink.  He has also been saying beep beep when he is playing with cars or trucks.  But his preferred method of communicating is still pointing and grunting.  He still enjoys reading books and has taken a liking to Thomas, which has resulted in Michael all the sudden being interested in playing with his trains again. But at least this is giving me some ideas for Christmas/birthday presents for Ryan.