Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ryan Pees on the Potty

Ryan peed and pooped on the potty last night.  He had to poop, so Ian told him to sit on it (he was already naked).  So, a little pee came out and he had pooped.  Of course, he didn't do anything today.  Given that Michael wasn't potty trained until 3 and 3 months, I don't expect much from Ryan.

Ryan did baffle me today though as he asked me where the Elf was.  The only elf I could think that he was talking about was the elf on the shelf that we hide at Christmas time.    I said "you mean the elf that would hide?" I asked him where the elf was and he said the kitchen and the Christmas tree.  So, I guess he was talking about the elf.  I don't know what prompted him to remember that.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Ryan has a lovely habit of whining the word "No".  It sounds like "NO - AAAAAH".  This evening he was in a particularly grumpy mood before dinner.   After dinner, we figured the mood had continued so we were all picking on him saying "NO - AAAAH".  Ryan responded: "No, I happy now."

Last week we were downtown at the Regatta and walking by the Point State Park fountain.  The mist from the fountain was blowing in the wind and Ryan said "I be all wet."