Sunday, January 27, 2013


Michael was going to play "cooker" this morning (chef in the play kitchen) but then he went to play with blocks instead.  I asked him why he was not playing cooker and he said that he was going to play but the food was not on sale. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ryan's Two Year Well Visit

Ryan had his well visit this morning.  He had to get one shot, the hepititis A booster shot.   Otherwise, he checks out fine.  His stats are not too different from Michael.  Ryan's are first, Michaels are second.  

Weight: 30 lbs / 30 lbs 8 oz
Height: 34.25 in / 34.75 in
Head: 50 cm / 49.5 cm

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What did Daddy say?

Michael told Ian that he remembered awhile ago that Ian said he was going to die after Christmas.  Ian was sure he did not say that, so the two of them tried to figure out what was said.  Ian brought it up at the dinner table to get my memory of the event.  Ian thought maybe he said that he was going to die from all the food he ate.  I suggested that maybe we talked about somebody that had died recently.  But neither of those thoughts really seemed to make sense.  But then it clicked in my brain and I remembered that Ian said he was going to DIET after Christmas!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Michael in Underwear!

Michael may be done with diapers at night as well! He overheard at Ryan's birthday party that our 2 1/2 year old girl guest was not wearing diapers at night, so he was on a mission to wear underwear at night. He asked us daily if he could wear under wear at night. Finally after being dry for 3 nights in a row we agreed. Friday night he leaked a little in his underwear during his sleep, but he caught it and called Ian in. Saturday night he went to the bathroom by himself at 6 AM! Ian was already awake and heard someone walking around and then he noticed the light went on in the bathroom. We were stunned that he did that all by himself. Let's just hope every night continues to be as successful.

Today, during nap he insisted that he wasn't tired, but we told him that he had to stay in his room for an hour. He called down to us every 10 minutes for the first 30 minutes. At one point we told him 25 more minutes. We didn't hear anything else... finally after the hour was up I went upstairs and this is what I found - he was out cold.