Monday, May 13, 2013

That Ryan Funny....

I picked up Ryan on Friday and found out that he no longer uses pacifiers at school.  Apparently, he has never used one since he has been in his new room (so since January).  The little stinker always told me that he uses one though.  I would ask him "Does Ryan use beppies at school?"  "Yes" would be his answer.  And then I'd go through his list of friends and he would tell me that they don't use them either.  Who knew he was lying to me! 

On Saturday we were in the car and Michael was making him laugh.  Then Ryan said "Ah, that Mawkel funny." 

Two nights ago when we were giving him his bath, Ian told him to hand him his wash cloth, and Ryan said "one minute". 

He is putting many more words together and making sentences.  Of course, none are grammatically correct.  Some things he likes to say:

"I play this one."
"I got it"
"I coming"
"I too"
"Read this one"
"I do it"

Of course, he also tries to mimic everything Michael says even though he really doesn't know what he is saying.  

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