Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 1

We left our house at 6:15 AM with the hope that kids would fall back asleep, but that didn't happen.  We made three stops during the 6 hour drive (one for breakfast and two for potty breaks).  We arrived in Portland at 1:30 PM.  We visited with the Platte's for the rest of the day and caught up on everyone's doings.  The kids looked for money in the sawdust.  Michael found $2.94 and Ryan found $1.92. So they made out pretty good.  We got to our Grand Rapids hotel around 9 (after missing the turn). And had very wound up kids despite the lack of sleep.  Finally they were asleep by 10 PM, only to be up for day 2 at 7 AM.  And although we had the bed rails Ryan fell out of the bed twice.

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