Friday, September 6, 2013

End of Summer and Back to School

Ryan saw his first movie, Planes, on August 25th.  He seemed to like it.  Michael; however, was very upset when the lead character got sabotaged by the bad guys.  He looked at me and said (as he was fighting back the tears): "I did NOT want to see this movie and I am NOT watching it at home."  Although, now two weeks later, he says he will watch it.  

We made a trip to Erie Labor Day weekend.  Made it to the beach, zoo, and waldameer.  Ryan enjoyed dragging himself in the sand at the beach and going in the water.   We also were able to fit in some bowling games on a rainy afternoon.  

We survived our first week of Kindergarten and Extended Day.  Michael transitioned to a new school with new kids and a new routine.   So far he seems to be okay with it all.  Just a little tired by the end of the day.   Ian has a new route to work as he has to do to separate drop offs, so he is getting up a little earlier these days.  I have a new routine at the end of the day as I have to be sure to leave by a certain time as I have to pick Michael up at 3:30.  And let's not forget Ryan, he has moved to a new room - the two year old room with Ms. Ikeva.  He seems to really like his new room as he keeps telling us "I go to new room." 

A random note on Michael.  When he wants to remember something for the next day he says it aloud to himself.   Tonight as I was walking out of his room, he told me that he was going to say something to himself.  So, I was still listening and I heard him say "I have to remember to make a box for my magazines tomorrow." 

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